
Young Writers Society

Twilight War (Mk.2)

by Scion of Fangor


Spoiler! :
Prologue – Twilight War

They were runing, the wind whistling in their ears, the voices of a hundred minds calling in their heads. Ahead men stood rigidly. Shields protecting their bodies with a solid wall of wood and steel. The battle call echoed through the wind, faintly audible.

They are prey, we are Predator.

They are prey, we are Predator.

She was Predator. The hunter in the darkness. With the cry of the pack and the smell of the hunt. The thirst for blood in her eyes and nose. She could smell the fear as they pounded, strangely silent, towards the enemy. They are prey. Her sword glistening in the dusk. Mere seconds before flesh met flesh in a struggle for a hold on life. We are predator. She smashed down, sword crashing into another in a spray of sparks. She was Predator.

She swished round, hair whipping in the face of her enemy and stabbed. Blood exploded from his chest as crimson rain. They are prey. She reached with her mind, enslaving that of the prey. Then with a vicious cry smashed his pain into the world of another. In the distance there was a short scream which ended in a gargle of agony. A feeling of righteous fury was welling up inside her. She roared “We are Predator!”

Something bright swirling towards her face. Noted. Someone else caught it in a pincer of steel. Elvria twisted under the locked blades and smashed her fist into the face of the prey. It screamed and fell to the ground, she stamped on his pitiful neck and took a step forward. Emotion flooded her veins. They are Prey! We are Predator! Another roar from the pack. They lanced forwards, slicing and beating. She gathered her power, running forwards, ready to strike. A call from the pack. Now!

She took a mighty step forwards and released a torrent of swirling blue flame from her hands. The screams of men, burning. The smell of flesh consumed in holy fire. She took a step forwards and screamed with primeval fury.

A figure calling. Time slowing down until every second lasted an eternity. Her blade lancing out until with a almighty crash there was impact. The guttural scream as she clawed at the face of the prey. All the time, the song of the hunt singing in their minds of the Predators.

She was Predator

They where prey

And for the glory of the noon,

They would be vanquished.


She was Emily Davidson, screaming. Sweat pouring from her face. Darkness all around her, panic welling up like bile in her throat. She jerked upright and gasped. She was in her room, cover splayed on the floor.

It wasn't real. Just a nightmare. She couldn't get it out of her head. That blood. God that blood. Something putrid welled up from her stomach. She retched and tried to slow her breathing down. Her head was throbbing. Emily glanced over to her desk and glimpsed the clock, digital letters displaying 3:00 AM.

No wonder she was still tired. That feel of sorrow tingled with Adrenaline. The power lancing from her fingertips. The cry. The feeling of bonds that travel beyond death, calling, calling. But the voices where silent. Emily picked up her cover, lay down and let her eyelids drop. It was three hours of mental torture before she got to sleep. Three hours staring at the ceiling, wondering whether something would jump out of the shadows. When she got to sleep, her mind rested, but somewhere something didn't. It was watching and waiting. Waiting to escape.

Emily was not alone.

One of the voices was there.

And it knew.

Chp. 1

Spoiler! :
Chapter One


Tension was in the air, seeping from the expensive table and the leather seats. Seats that looked like heaven, but concealed a back made of what felt like reinforced concrete. The light, with it's elegant lampshade looked warm and cosy. Until you turned it on and found that it was in fact a glaring LED. It was a room designed without a budget, but made on a very tight one. It wasn't a room made for comfort, merely the appearance of comfort. It was however a room designed for making decisions. One designed to suck every ounce of aggression and feeling until you had to make a decision.

It wasn't working.

In the room three very important people sat opposite each other, small cups of water to their right and some paperwork between them. The first was tall and good looking, the enthusiasm of youth in his eyes. He had a stubbly chin, an average nose and jet black hair. His name was Christophe Blanc. Most of the world knew him as the President of France.

Opposite him was a shorter thinner man, with wrinkles on his face and grey hair. No light shone in his eyes. Only the twinkle of a defeated man. Constantly fighting for what he saw as right. Not many people liked him. But recently he'd discovered he didn't care. He would just do his bit for society and fall into the blissful graveyard of the press and a nice retirement home. His name was Raymond Smith, Prime Minister of Britain.

The third man was tall and stiff, in his mid thirties. He wore a pristine military uniform with medals that shone in the stark light. His face was clean shaven and he had a small moustache. He was Colonel Jaque Gerad. Commander of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment in the French Foreign Legion and from the look on his face you see he was utterly focused on the situation.

Christophe was leaning forwards speaking in French “In the current situation this proposition makes the utmost sense”. There was a moment of silence as Raymond pressed his earphone closer, listening to the translator. He stated in a weary tone “But is it a tactic that you would be willing to enforce President? Could you make that statement knowing that millions of lives are on the line?” Again there was a tense pause as the tiny voice of the translator blurted into the earphones of the assembled French. Then with an air of confidence Christophe stated “Britain's nuclear deterrent isn't necessary for this plan to succeed, but it would be helpful. Think of the rewards Minister, the ends justify the means!” Now he was leaning forwards, uncomfortably close to the British minister, a contagious fever in his voice. “We need to do this to make sure Europe stays as a world power with a form of cohesion and the ability to react to every threat. This is the answer. You know I have American backing for this!”

Raymond looked with despair at the French President. The man was either desperate, or he'd lost it totally. “The answer is no President, nuclear weapons aren't something to bargain with. They are weapons, designed to wipe out entire cities. Some of the newer ones take out continents. Britain will not take part in something that clearly violates Human rights and destroys the morals that my government is built on.” Something different in the eyes of the minister, fever topped with a sense of defeat. “I thought I knew you Raymond, I thought you'd go with the right decision. This is the right decision, and it's never to later to join the winning side”. With that he gathered his papers, pushed back his chair and marched from the room.

Raymond sat staring at the space vacated by his French counterpart. Despairing about his colleagues and hoping that he could sort the mess out before it exploded in his face. But more than that he was angry that there was nothing he could do to stop it. Britain was powerful, but not superhuman. It couldn't take on Europe. He was angry, defeated and it looked like he was on his own. He stood up and as he left the room and nodded to a man standing outside, in a black suit and sunglasses with a wire snaking from his collar to his ear. “Make the call”


Alex was one of the nerds, his uniform was always perfect and his presentation immaculate. He had one of those faces that didn't stand out, eyes the colour of damp mud and hair that looked the same. He was one of the people nobody noticed, good , but not outstanding. Nice, but not popular. He was to the eyes of the world average. He was sitting on one of the plastic chairs, the ones with the back that crippled you. There was a blank piece of paper in front of him. By the whiteboard the teacher – Mrs. Philips – was talking about Poetry. Alex had never been fond of poetry, especially poetry that you studied. The whole thing seemed like a puffed up ball of nothingness. Mrs. Philips was one of the nice teachers, short with an Irish accent that made even the easiest sentence amusing. But even her amusing bumbles through the English language couldn't make a subject like this interesting.

French however, French was a subject he adored, the intricate details of something different and the way it flowed of his tongue. He often dreamed of moving to France. But somewhere in the back of his head he knew he couldn't.

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16 Reviews

Points: 2105
Reviews: 16

Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:12 pm
cosby wrote a review...

Hi! I read through both the prologue and the first chapter.
The way the prologue was written was very powerful and conjured some wonderful imagery in my mind. I like the way you leave the reader hanging on the last words of;

'Emily was not alone.
One of the voices was there.
And it knew.'

It makes you want to know what 'it' is, and what it's going to do.

Chapter 1 was cool as well, but it would be easier to read if you used the 'New speaker, new line,' rule. I would also put a few more comma's in, but that might just be me!

Overall, very good. I'm going to keep reading.

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Points: 1764
Reviews: 9

Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:32 am
Scion of Fangor says...

Thank you fighta (finally somebody noticed me :elephant: , the covers where meant to be chains, but if it doesn't make sense then it gotta go. I have to admit that I was pretty lazy with the paragraphs. I'll just go and edit then.....

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Points: 0
Reviews: 13

Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:36 am
fight4whatsright wrote a review...

i really liked this. at first i didn't get it, but then i realised it was just a dream :D the pictures the words formed in my mind were spectacular. there was one bit i didn't understand though...

Darkness all around her, the chains, the chains. She threw them of and gasped.
huh? chains? i don't really understand, did she think her covers were chains? maybe it's just me being not-so-smart...
anyway, good work!


oh yeah, and i think you need to split it up into more paragraphs :)

Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.
— David Foster Wallace